Monday, June 22, 2015

Quote Frames

I remember when I was getting ready to move into a new apartments,  I had a design book, ok I had a college ruled note book that I used to collect my inspirations. I had this idea to keep one wall of my bedroom for just quotes, words of inspiration that might keep me on track or perhaps start a whole new track. I love words, I abuse words and sometimes over use word. They are lovely little things.

For my birthday, my beautiful sister gave me an etsy gift card. Oh, JOY! I searched for the perfect something, just for me. Being an etsy seller myself, I do understand the intense amount of labor that can go into creations. But, being the thrifty chick that I am, I struggle paying a lot of money for something that I can possibly do myself. If it involves a skill I don't have, I am happy to pay for it.

Here is where my love of quotes and crafting join in a joyous game of ring-around-the-rosie and they all fall down--- in fits of laughter. I found a beautiful etsy seller who creates graphic downloads ( instant gratification!) and bought two of her designs. I wanted to frame one to place near our front door--Come & Stay, the other--would hang in our living room to remind me to be in the moment--Be Here.

These are 8x8 prints, very trendy right now ( Hi, Instagram!) and as previously mentioned, I am cheap...err..thrifty! I searched around for cute 8x8 frames and just kept finding black and pricey ones. No, thanks.
Then I discover unstained boards at Michael's. My brain kicked into gear and here is where we all fall down!

Here is what you will need:

- 8x8 Photo or Artwork
-8.5x8.5 Simply Surfaces Unfinished frame ( Michaels)
-Wide Paintbrush
-Acrylic Paints
-Thumb Tacks
-Glue Gun 

A few tips before we dig in here:

-I mixed my own paint colors to get them to match the prints. To thin out the blue I used, I added a small amount of left-over Martha Stewart Crafts Wood Stain in Wedding Cake. This gave the blue a more sky-like appearance.
-Make sure your art or photograph is something that you can replace! I had to reprint a copy because when I was checking to see if the colors on the print matched the frame, I smudged paint ON the print. uugh and oh joy, could just print it again ( use card stock)

That should do, let's party.

Paint the frames with acrylic paint, I wanted a weathered look so I left a few areas with natural wood showing. Paint the edges, don't paint the edges. Your call. I did it both ways. 

 Let them dry and take a moment to say "Hi!" to my assistant, Tucker! Isn't he the sweetest thing?

 Good boy, back to work.

 I tried something that sort of worked ( What? I am not afraid to share my mild failures.) I wanted to try painting the thumb tacks white. It didn't dry very well so they are a little sticky. If you want white thumb tacks, just buy em that way. I used a painter pen on mine.
Next, Line up your prints where you want them on your frame. EVER so carefully press the tacks into the 4 corners, leaving enough tack sticking up so it doesn't poke all the way through. While this won't hurt anyone ( it will be against the wall) it will hurt your wall ( it will be against the wall). I got all Incredible Hulk and pushed one in too far, I just tapped it back through. Make sense?

Now they look all pretty but gravity will stop these beauties from sticking to the wall, let us help the situation. I took a length of ribbon ( maybe 7.5 inches) and glued it on the back. It's running across the back with the smallest amount of slack, to allow a nail to grab on.

Now, hang them up and enjoy! I think this would look adorable with a family photo or child's artwork. 

Cost Break Down:
 Unfinished wood $4/each ( I purchased mine on sale $2.39/each)
Acrylic Paint $1.50 bottle
Tacks $1.00
Quotes  $6/each

For me, this project was very inexpensive. I have a large jar full of acrylic paints I have used for various projects. The few things I purchased just for this project would be the Art,  unfinished wood and tacks. Mind you, there are 300 tacks in that box, I am set for tacks. Plus, my sister gifted me the quotes ( and the seller was running a sale--BONUS!)